Another mistrial?

Yesterday, in the case of Michael James Beckley, Stet’s Attorney Dan Powell caused another mistrial in a Crisfield Police Department robbery prosecution.

Hey Crisfield PD, welcome to the ranks of law enforcement agencies whose cases the Dan Powell has tanked.

For those of you scoring at home, that brings Team Powell’s 2011 jury trial record to 1 win(*), 3 losses, and 2 mistrials.  (The win gets an asterisk, because Powell was using a performance-enhancing transcript from the prior trial to get his victory; he has yet to win one completely on his own.)


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41 responses to “Another mistrial?

  1. Anonymous

    I do not know a lot about law but I do know there is a state attorney grievance committee. If Dan is messing up in so many things and if these things affect the safety of Somerset Countians, can these problems be reported to them? We cannot afford to have him there for three and a half more year. He would save himself a lot of embarassment if he resigned.

  2. Anonymous

    If you must post, please state the facts. The mistrial was caused by a mistake of the CPD, not Dan.

  3. Anonymous

    946 hi mr. powell this is what we are talking about,you blame everyone but yourself

  4. Anonymous

    why did the former sao win so many cases? oh yea they are smarter

  5. Anonymous

    That’s 9:46 comment isn’t Dan Powell. He has traveled off to a seminar today. Hopefully it is training on how to win cases, a class he skipped or flunked in law school.

  6. Anonymous

    At the end of the day, smartness and intelligence count for something. You can feed people all of the lines and empty promises that you want, but BS doesn’t win cases, trial skills do. And Dan Powell is all BS and no skills to back it up.

  7. Anonymous

    Great more tax dollars being spent on training.

  8. Anonymous

    he should sell used cars I bought one and now realized its a lemon.

  9. Anonymous

    didnt dan powell say during the election he wasnt going to waste budget money on training and such. Well maybe the seminar he is at today is free but the travel isnt. 4.00 gal for gas. hope its close by!

  10. Anonymous

    Traveled to a training seminar? I hope it was paid for by a grant, wasn’t that one of his other (broken) promices. Maybe the same “Grant” that put him up at the Inn at Perry Cabin?

  11. Anonymous

    Hey mystery blogger! Bittermuch??

  12. Anonymous

    1200 can you explain the court records of stets? no you cant..

  13. Anonymous

    wait who is watching the sao?who is in charge when he is gone? I just want answers

  14. Anonymous

    Perry cabin? what is this all about?

  15. Anonymous

    It is my understanding that Mr. Powell and his wife payed for the Inn at Perry Cabin out of their own pockets..get your facts straight.

  16. Anonymous

    1255 – AKA Mystery Blogger DA – you don’t like answering questions do you? get over it and MOVE ON!

  17. Anonymous

    Looks like Dan has an internet conection at his taxpayer paid vacation today!

  18. Anonymous

    335 – guess again you sorry pieces of S*&%

  19. Anonymous

    346 (Dan ), how are you getting on here then?

  20. Anonymous

    oh my goodness its not Mr Dan Powell in a snit. IT MRS Dan Powell! Its my understanding that the powells didnt pay for perry cabin out of their own pocket so whos got the facts and who doesnt. I demand his receipt. this is the biggest coverup since the obama birth certificate.

  21. Anonymous

    eddie ” lets make a deal im only part time making alot of taxpayer money widdowson” is in charge.

  22. Anonymous

    CPD welcome to the club. Stet’s Attorney has already blown cases for PAPD, DSS/Child Support, SCNTF and MSP. Who’s next Parole and Probation or SCSD?

  23. Anonymous

    @946 – mistrials are ultimately the attorney’s fault. If a State’s witness says something that causes a mistrial, it is indicative of an unprepared witness. It’s hard to prep witnesses when you roll out of the office @ 430 and instruct LEO to not call you “after hours”. This just in Danny Boy. Your job is 24/7.

  24. Anonymous

    Maybe the paid out of their pocket, then turned it in on an expense request….?

  25. Anonymous

    Even if he paid out ot his pocket it still came from Somerset County when he sued Washington High School for millions. Home Grown My A@@.

  26. Anonymous

    I want my tax dollars spent for the right things.He promised me it would be…Why do I see the same criminals walking around the streets of Crisfield?..Why is he taking trips and steting cases?…Why won’t he return my phone calls?…..Why Why Why Why.

  27. Anonymous

    He needs to do his time in that office before we start paying for his trips…where the the H is Perry Cabin..I heard of Holiday Inn, never heard of no Perry Cabin…I no its not somerset

  28. Anonymous

    Just put your big boy pants on and do your job.

  29. Anonymous

    Dont go away mad, just go away.

  30. Anonymous

    2014 will need armed security at the poles because every thug in somerset will be trying to keep him in.

  31. Anonymous

    1200. you got some nerve. you no all this is true and now your rubbing it in our faces..spending tax dollars on trips, screwing up cases and refusing to take calls from residents of this county…….You have lost my support just like you have lost my number.

  32. Anonymous

    someone told me that one win came from having the answers to the test. Is this true?

  33. Anonymous

    2014. I have heard some talk this morning. the current sa doenst have a chance.

  34. Anonymous

    Someone needs to run against him first and there aren’t a lot who qualify in the County who would run.

  35. Anonymous

    maybe he should be aloud to phone a friend during court or be able to narrow the questions down…

  36. Anonymous

    424 your ego is crazy..the sad thing is you really believe that…

  37. Anonymous

    For every case he loses doc his pay.

  38. Anonymous

    Crime is on the rise in Somerset County shootings, dead bodies, missing persons, gangs etc. Our new sa is on vacation staying in hotels that cost 400 to 500 a night…I can hardly pay my electric bill and had to spend money on a bigger lock for my front door. Something is wrong with this picture.

  39. Anonymous

    I agree there are too many habitual offenders in Somerset county walking the streets.If I get a speeding ticket or other misdemeanor I would have the book thrown at me despite the fact that I work and contribute to society.Meanwhile our violent criminals are released back into the community to hang out with their buddies all day and steal.

  40. Pingback: Team Powell Blows Another Jury Trial in a Manslaughter Case | Dan Powell Watch

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